Preventing Traffic Accidents, Kulonprogo Samapta Bhayangkara Police Patched A Pothole

Kulonprogo Samapta Bhayangkara Police Officers patched a pothole on Nagung-Brosot Street, Panjatan, Friday (21/01/2022).

The patching of pothole on the road was done after an officer of the Samapta Bhayangkara patrol had received a report from local residents that there was a pothole on the road which could possibly lead to an accident.
According to Chief of Kulonprogo Samapta Bhayangkara Police, Police Senior Inspector Denis, his subordinates patched the road after receiving reports from local residents.

"My subordinates chipped in so we could buy the cement for road patching, we hope after patching can provide a sense of comfort for road users," said Police Senior Inspector Denis.

"The process of patching pothole is done by Kulonprogo Samapta Bhayangkara officers themselves, starting from mixing sand and cement then patch the hole," he said.

Translator : Briptu Septian H


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