Deputy of Kulonprogo District Police, Police Assistant Superintendent Sudarmawan, S.Pd., M.M. attended the HPN (Hari Pers Nasional) peak event held at the Surjan Sawah tourism place, Pleret, Panjatan, Kulon Progo, on Wednesday (9/2/2022) by the journalist on duty in Kulonprogo.
The event was combined with an opening ceremony of Surjan Sawah tourism place by Kulon Progo Tourism Office.
"The peak of the 2022 HPN will be held at the Sawah Surjan tourism place, with a panel discussion related to the development of tourism based on culture. Then, we also combine it with the planting seeds event around tourism place and giving prizes for video competition," said the Chairman of the Kulonprogo Journalist Association. (PWK), Asrul Sani.
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